It might have also been anyone of these gods 🤔
jesus is the creator god, but why did he create us?
what say you?.
It might have also been anyone of these gods 🤔
it has been discussed on this forum many times how many gospel elements were sourced from the ot and related traditions and recast as typological 'fulfillments'.
the same is true of certain sections from acts.
i recently ran across an interesting section of the talmud that certainly seems a good candidate for the inspiration for pentecost scene in acts 2.. recall that the shavuot or pentecost festival was linked to the exodus story of the reception of the 10 commandments on mt sinai.
Thanks peacefulpete
Interesting how these authors adapted these stories and made them seem as actual events.
why do so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?russell coudn't get along with his wife mariah.
rutherford had trouble with his wife and sent her away.. eric wilson says it's o.k.
if you don't get legally married as long as you have a "spiritual marriage" in his latest video response to the situation of people coming forward complaining about the abusive religious tactics his "wife" practices and he condones.. i ask this question in a previous post but it deserves it's own discussion definitely:why is it that so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?.
Because they have a narcissistic personality, anyone who claims that god speaks through them or directs them has a personality disorder. It's all about them and there control over their family and anyone else who falls for their scams.
susanne eigenheer is an ex-jw and suffered religious abuse in eric wilson's group.
her personal statement and experiences within the beroean pickets study groups was one of betrayal where she was taken advantage of financially.
in one text conversation, wendy wiens disfellowshiped susanne and demanded an apology from her.
Until people recognize that religions and domestic abusers use the same tactics to manipulate and control their victims and they need to educate themselves to identify the red flags of physiological manipulation and coercive control.
When Someone escapes from a abusive relationship or religion and the victims failed to do this they will fall into the same trap again, and get involved in another controlling religion and its beliefs or another abusive relationship.
I'm a survivor of both, a abusive and controlling marriage and a abusive and controlling religion.
Please do independent research into physiological manipulation and coercive control and you will see how all religions use these tactics to control people.
just a song i really like.
it don't mean nothin' .
or even this forum
I thought it was just me 😂
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
Mark was written about AD66 -70
Matthew and Luke around AD 85-90
John AD90-100
As the average life expectancy was about 40-45 .
So biblical scholars hold that they were written by anonymous authors and not written by eyewitness.
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
Sea breeze
If people keep preaching how great and important this jesus is, asking for evidence is not being a troll ,I have asked you many times to provide proof that he existed and your the one who has failed to provide any .
So provide independently verified evidence or just admit it's a matter of faith on your part and truth and facts don't matter.
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
You could consider the work of professor James tabor, a biblical scholar of ancient Judaism and early christianity.
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
It's a Greek inscription that dates many decades after the so called events,.
Can you please provide independently verified evidence from the time period that this individual is considered to have lived and performed his miracles etc .
vicky and mike hobbs are ex jehovah’s witnesses and ex beroean pickets members their personal statements and experiences within the beroean pickets bible study groups wasn't pleasant.
and vicky was likened to the antichrist because of her differing views.
spiritual abuse is becoming more widespread and the purpose of this interview is to raise awareness, provide education around spiritual and religious abuse, and to keep the public safe.
Tacitus was born c56 AD so not a eyewitnes and doesn't reveal the source of his information.
Josephus born c36 AD so again not a eyewitnes,and the quotes from josephus about a jesus are viewed as being added later.